Nonprofit Lobbying Consulting
One of the nation’s leading experts in nonprofit lobbying.
Nonprofits have an imperative to lobby for the issues and people they represent.
As one of the nation’s leading experts in nonprofit lobbying, Pat has coached individuals and organizations through the passage of innumerable laws that have helped protect the rights of senior home care residents and victims of domestic violence, bolster cross-border environmental safety, crack down on the distribution of child pornography, increase funding for neighborhood revitalization efforts, and provide additional financial support for foster youth among many other victories.
She is author of The Empowered Citizens Guide: 10 Steps to Passing a Law that Matters to You (Oxford University Press, 2022), featured in the San Diego Union Tribune, The Lobbying Strategy Handbook, second edition (Oxford University Press 2021), and is a frequent speaker on the topic of lobbying. Pat’s 10-step lobbying campaign model has been used successfully by nonprofits searching for a cost-effective way of making change through the legislative process. Read more about how beginners can get involved with nonprofit lobbying efforts. An article on its international implications can be found here: Exploring Lobbying Practices in Israel’s Nonprofit Advocacy Organizations: An Application of the Libby Lobbying Model in the journal, Administrative Sciences. Looking for some books that will inspire you to create change? Check out my book reviews on the Shepherd website.
Pat collaborated with Oxford University Press to create an instructional webinar and academic materials that support The Lobbying Strategy Handbook. Learn more and access syllabus samples and lecture outlines.
Why a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation should engage in lobbying, what the legal rules are, and how to fund nonprofit lobbying activities.
Simple explanation of how the legislative process works, plus insights on easy and best practices for nonprofit lobbying campaigns.
Lobbying is NOT a 4 letter word
Teaching an Applied Lobbying Course
Pat joins host Salvatore Alaimo and fellow guests Adrienne Goodstall and Tracey Hamlet to talk about advocacy on Tilting the Earth's Praxis.
Pat shares more examples of nonprofit lobbying opportunities on the Nonprofit SnapCast with Mickey Desai.
Pat joins May Harris on the Nonprofit Counsel Podcast to talk about nonprofit lobbying, and where impactful legislation has been enacted in California due to grassroots lobbying efforts.
Pat joined Colton Strawser and The Nonprofit Fundraising Exchange hosts Rich Frazier and Russ Phaneuf to discuss the truth about nonprofit lobbying.
Pat appeared on The Gap Minders podcast with hosts Nancy Sasaki and Jose Cruz to talk lobbying, family, and disco! Listen on your podcasting platform of choice.

"Pat delivered an extremely valuable, thorough, and timely 2-month training program for Leaders 2020, teaching participants how to successfully influence lawmaking in the US using her 10-step framework.
Witty and pragmatic, Pat went above and beyond to ensure that participants could engage with key influencers and practitioners throughout the training.
If you are personally or professionally interested in affecting legislative matters, involving Pat in any capacity will dramatically improve your results."
Mikaela Bolling
Equinox Project & Leaders 2020 Manager

"In my time as a member of the California Legislature I saw nonprofits flail around in attempting to influence legislation. Working with Pat over the past ten years, I have also seen the beneficial results when her sage advice is applied. She has developed a 10-step approach that produces valuable results for nonprofits. If your organization needs a legislative resolution, you should contact The Master."
Howard Wayne
former California Assemblyman

“Pat transformed the Massachusetts Association of Community Development Corporations (MACDC) from a small, struggling organization into a politically powerful membership association that help to build one of the strongest community development fields in the country.
During Pat’s eight-year tenure at MACDC, she helped to win passage of numerous laws and budget items that sparked tremendous growth in the CDC sector, while also establishing ground breaking programs that built the capacity and professionalism of the field.
Joe Kriesberg
President and CEO, MassINC.
The Empowered Citizens Guide
10 Steps to Passing a Law that Matters to You
This book is for anyone who sees a glaring injustice or community-wide problem and feels like screaming, “there ought to be law!” but doesn’t know how to make it happen. Pat Libby makes the work of conducting a successful grassroots lobbying campaign seem relatively painless by sharing her easy-to-follow formula and pulling the curtain back on things we think we should know but don’t. The book is funny, relatable, and illustrated by real-life examples of people who successfully used Libby's strategy to pass laws. For those who are passionate about creating change in their communities, cities, or states, this book provides a simple recipe for making a difference.
From the New York Journal of Books: “Her down-to-earth, humorous style makes her the perfect coach for every wannabe successful activist.”
Use code: ASFLYQ6 to purchase The Empowered Citizens Guide for the discounted price of $17.47.

The Lobbying Strategy Handbook
10 Steps to Advancing Any Cause Effectively
The Lobbying Strategy Handbook shows how students with passion for a cause can learn to successfully influence lawmaking in the United States. The centerpiece of this book is a 10-step framework that walks the reader through the essential elements of conducting a lobbying campaign. The framework is illustrated by three separate case studies that show how groups of people have successfully used the model. Undergraduate, graduate students, and anyone interested in making a difference, can use the book to guide them in creating and conducting a grassroots campaign from start to finish.
Buy the second edition of The Lobbying Strategy Handbook.

Technology, Activism, and Social Justice in a Digital Age edited by John McNutt
Chapter 3: Advocacy as a Moral Imperative written by Pat Libby
"Technology, Activism, and Social Justice in a Digital Age offers a close look at both the present nature and future prospects for social change. In particular, the text explores the cutting edge of technology and social change, while discussing developments in social media, civic technology, and leaderless organizations -- as well as more traditional approaches to social change. It effectively assembles a rich variety of perspectives to the issue of technology and social change; the featured authors are academics and practitioners (representing both new voices and experienced researchers) who share a common devotion to a future that is just, fair, and supportive of human potential."
Buy on Amazon or purchase on Oxford University Press.

“With Pat's skillful expertise and strategic vision we successfully integrated lobbying into all our programs. This was a watershed moment for our staff, board and funders and helped to exponentially increase our organization's mission-driven impact. I can't thank Pat enough for her guidance and support. Her argument for strengthening nonprofit impact through lobbying is rock solid, her methods are straight-forward and direct, and her enthusiasm is infectious. Thanks to her I am convinced that every organization needs to be engaged in lobbying to further their work.”
Ben McCue