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Consulting with organizations to reimagine themselves with an organizational strategy.

Organizational Strategy Consulting

I have known and worked with Pat Libby for over 20 years and in different settings, and she has been a trusted guide to me through several key organizational challenges. These challenges have included overcoming an existential threat to a mid-sized non-profit; the creation of a brand new organization from scratch to meet community needs and political imperatives; and the positioning of an existing, well-functioning organization to take advantage of untapped political and financial support to maximize our mission.


In all of these adventures, Pat has brought a depth of wisdom, an inclusive approach, and a pragmatism that comes from a wealth of experience. These talents and experiences, combined, created settings of trust wherein hard choices and grand visons could co-exist. We recently collaborated on creating a new strategic vision, plan, and structure for SDHF that drew upon all Pat has to offer. Our work and approach have been honed and energized as a result.


I look forward to the next opportunity to collaborate with Pat and to do more great things!

Stephen Russell


San Diego Housing Federation

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Working for the greater good requires passionate leadership.   


It also requires: 

• A clear vision and strategic direction 

• An environment that promotes positive and transparent communication among staff and between staff and board

• A genuine understanding of the needs of the people served by the organization

• Succession plans that can be operationalized when needed

• Collaborative efforts that work successfully among and between organizations.


No problem or opportunity is the same and one organization is not like another. As a confidential ally and organizational expert, Pat meets organizations where they are and collaborates with them to develop plans for focusing their energy and resources.


“Working with Pat Libby in developing the strategic plan for the San Diego County Dental Society (SDCDS) was transformational for our organization. Pat’s expertise, dedication, and vision have been pivotal in crafting a comprehensive and forward-thinking plan that will undoubtedly steer our organization toward sustained growth and excellence.


From the onset, Pat demonstrated a profound understanding of our unique needs and challenges as an organization that is tightly connected to our state counterpart. Pat’s meticulous work in meeting with and documenting responses from dozens of stakeholders identified key areas for improvement, and provided invaluable insights. Her approach was both collaborative and inclusive, ensuring that all voices were heard and considered in the planning process.


The strategic plan was well-structured, date-based, actionable, and aligned with our mission and values. Pat introduced innovative strategies and clear, measurable goals that are tailored to enhance our services, improve member engagement, and expand our community outreach. Her ability to foresee potential obstacles and provide practical solutions has given us a roadmap that is both ambitious and attainable. Pat Libby’s professionalism, coupled with her friendly and approachable demeanor, made her a pleasure to work with."

Angela Landsberg

Executive Director

San Diego County Dental Society (SDCDS)

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"Beginning in late June 2021 with a half-day staff/board retreat and culminating with the adoption by our full board of a “from-the-ground-up” Strategic Three-Year Plan in January 2022, our work with Pat Libby has proven to be both substantive and insightful. She came to us highly recommended, and she lived up to her reputation repeatedly with patient, responsive, and clearly focused leadership of the full process. Pat coordinated, through a highly disciplined methodology, with our Executive Director, Board of Directors, staff, and several ad hoc task groups to think through the challenges and opportunities we face as an organization and bring fresh viewpoints and creative energy to each discussion.


San Diego Audubon is grateful to have accomplished so much so quickly in creating a road map that can lead us through a time of transition that will largely define our organization and frame our work for years to come. This transition will happen on multiple levels and involve constantly evolving real-world circumstances, so the flexibility, adaptability and vision built into the plan is going to be critical for our success moving into the balance of this decade."

David Stump

Board President
San Diego Audubon Society

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“Champions for Health engaged Pat Libby to work with the Board in creating a sustainability plan. The Board members found Pat to be engaging, creative, and insightful. Pat asked questions that invoked deep and meaningful conversations in surprisingly short amounts of time that did not feel rushed. The Board and staff felt at ease with Pat and trusted her judgment, suggestions and recommendations throughout the process. I personally appreciated Pat a lot, and her direct, yet kind manner in every situation. Our plan required two things to happen: greater community awareness of Champions for Health and a targeted development plan.


As a result of our work together, our programs have expanded exponentially and our budget has increased fivefold. Our vaccination numbers increased from a high of 3500 over 5 months pre-pandemic to 33,000 doses in 2023.  Additionally, almost $1.5m in funds were committed to us due to our reputation as being responsive during a crisis, and our ability to mobilize our vast volunteer network of physicians, nurses, public & private nursing schools, and community partners. Thank you Pat for focusing us in the direction of success.”

Adama Dyoniziak, MPH, CPH

Executive Director

Champions for Health


“Pat’s expertise in nonprofit structure, operations, fundraising, and governance is unmatched. She’s not one to sugarcoat things, which was incredibly valuable in helping us identify key opportunities and areas for improvement. She helped us get to the heart of the issues and develop an actionable strategy that will guide our organization for years to come. I learned a great deal throughout the process, and our board and team are stronger for it.


Pat is an invaluable resource for anyone in need of strategic planning, nonprofit consulting, or leadership guidance."

Kerri Fox

Executive Director and CEO

Resounding Joy

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"We engaged Pat Libby to assist us with a managerial restructuring and reorganization, in addition to helping us prepare a succession plan to replace two long-time Executive Managers. 

Pat was fabulous. She interviewed nearly everyone in the firm and then used the information to lead us toward an expanded Leadership Team that would engage the talents of Senior Attorneys and other Team Leaders in the overall management of the firm. 

The work of this new management team has already exceeded my expectations. That, and the transition plan Pat developed, will guide and propel the work of LASSD for many years to come."

Gregory E. Knoll, Esq.

Former CEO / Executive Director / Chief Counsel

Legal Aid Society of San Diego, Inc.

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“Pat is an extraordinary facilitator. She skillfully blends the art of listening with an instinctual (innate) knack for pulling forth the most critical details from all players. She is incredibly efficient, but perhaps her greatest gift is her ability to distill all the information she gathers into the most salient points and to synthesize seemingly incongruent ideas into a cohesive and logical plan. After a few conversations, we suddenly realized she had helped us transform our operations and handed us our own blueprint for moving forward. Pat is a gift and a gem, and the benefits you’ll receive from working with her are worth every dime and a thousand times more!"

Beth Keeton

Executive Director

Griffin-Hammis Associates

United Cerebral Palsy Pat Libby

“We engaged Pat Libby to assist UCP in its efforts to comply with new program service requirements and explore the options that were available for us to start in new directions. Her work in surveying our consumers and their families on their future desires and needs was exemplary. She was thorough, objective and compassionate. Her efforts will be valuable to UCP as we move forward. It was a pleasure to work alongside Pat.”

David Carucci

Executive Director

United Cerebral Palsy of San Diego County

“We found great success in working with Pat Libby & Associates on our Community Conversations project. Pat’s experience, creative vision and adaptability were particularly appreciated by our organization. Pat and her team gracefully facilitated town-hall style community conversation meetings across San Diego County. Her ability to understand the needs of our varied stakeholders, clients and customers led to great results and accomplishing the project’s goals. It was a joy working with a partner who was so passionate about our organization’s mission and the larger San Diego community.”


Andrew Picard

Former Chief Program Officer

San Diego Workforce Partnership


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